- Great American Women in History Illustration

American Women
Lesson Plans & Activities

Celebrate Woman's History Month


Lesson Part One: Create BioBoards:

  1. Do this part of the lesson towards the end of Feb, or during the first week in March.

  2. First, break your class into groups of 3 students per group. Assign each group one category. Categories might include Women in World War II, Famous Pioneer Women, Famous African-American Women, Famous Hispanic Women, Famous Women Scientists, Famous Women Authors, First Ladies, etc. Have each group create a bioboard that includes a quick biography of the 3 women they have selected to feature from their category.

  3. Talk about ways to present their graphic presentation - they can create 3 separate presentations, or they can create one presentation with three columns arranged either vertically or horizontally. Activate pre-knowledge. Talk briefly about what information should be included in each biography.

  4. Provide access to research material or a session in the computer lab that will allow them to research their assigned category.

  5. Provide colored paper, colored pencils, and any other materials you feel would help them create an interesting bioboard.

  6. Hang the finished bioboards in your classroom.

Lesson Part Two: Meet the "Boards" - Select one or two "boards" per class, all month long. Have each group introduce the three people they have selected to feature on their bioboard - to the class. Each presentation should be about 2-5 minutes. Each presentation must include a quick reason why these three particular women were selected from the many famous women in their category.

For Teachers

Rosa Parks

EdSitement lesson ideas

Quotes for Woman's History Month

Cultural Change (Woman's Suffrage, HS lesson)

19th Amendment - Woman's Right to Vote

American Women Resources

National Women's Hall of Fame

Women in World History

15 lesson plans for Women in World History